Digital Marketing
Top 9 Social Media Posts For Real Estate Agents In 2023
April 9, 2021
10 min

Why is Social Media Important for Real Estate Agents?
Marketing yourself is important as a real estate agent and one of the best ways to do this is via social media posts for realtors. Having your own website is beneficial, but keeping up to date with people on platforms where a lot of people are, is almost essential these days. That’s why today we will be going over a number of social media post ideas you can consider the next time you are wondering what you can submit to your community.
Social media platforms, when wielded in the right way, can be highly beneficial when it comes to marketing yourself and pitching to potential new clients in an engaging way. As a real estate agent, you are likely aware of how competitive this space can be. Clients have a wealth of options and are able to get someone to help them in a snap, so with this in mind, it’s important to try to build trust, communicate with potential clients, and share your successes.
And what better way to do this? A social media account. Below we will go over some example posts you can consider using and spinning in your own way, but first, we will highlight just a few tips when communicating with your audience.
A Few Tips on How to Effectively Use Social Media for Realtors®
As we covered above, social media platforms are highly beneficial for marketing yourself. But knowing a few tips and tricks on how to post content is key to successfully engaging with people and getting eyes on your business.
Be Unique
Marketing yourself successfully starts with making your potential clientele pay attention to you in the first place. If you sound exactly like everyone else, you may blend in with the overall market to your readers.
This might be an extreme example, but it’s quite essentially the shining example of how differentiating yourself can get people to pay attention to you. Wendy’s, a US fast-food giant, blew up on social media for straying as far away from corporate speak as possible and instead engaged with customers on Twitter in a natural and entertaining fashion.
It’s not essential (or advisable if you want to stay professional and friendly) to have the same attitude as them, but try to incorporate your own voice when posting on social media - people like it when they are spoken to like a person rather than a number. It helps to read what other real estate agents in your area are posting and consider how you can word your posts differently from them.
Share Your Accomplishments
People generally like to see proof that you are able to deliver what they want, and what better way than to share experiences with prior happy clients?
If you’ve had a good week with bringing people into their new homes, sharing this will help show potential new clients that you can be trusted with what you do. Even better, if those clients also use the social media platform you are on and are able to publicly engage with you, that shows that real people can vouch for your business.
Have a Conversation With Your Audience
As we mentioned above, people like to be treated as more than a number that pays you for your services. Making posts that strike up conversations and not just for the sake of “contact us now” or “look what we did” is beneficial for making yourself sound genuine. Posts can range from asking people what sets of furniture they’d choose for a home’s specific decor to asking what type of flooring people like for a modern living room. Simple conversation starters such as that can go a long way in getting people to engage with you and keep you in their mind when they need what you are providing.
Top 9 Social Media Content Ideas For Real Estate
There are a number of different types of posts you can decide to make in order to market yourself and talk with your community. Here are the top ideas to consider the next time you log into your social media account.

1) New Listings
Making people aware of what is available is one of the most powerful things you can do as a real estate agent. It’s easy for great homes to fall under the radar, but you know what’s out there and thus sharing listings as soon as they become available is an excellent way to get potential clients to come to you because you are the one who gave them that vital information.

2) Helpful Information
Since you are an expert on what makes for a great home, sharing your knowledge with your audience can get them to pay attention to what you have to say. People like learning helpful advice, especially when the topic is as big as buying or selling a home.
For example, you can link to an article that talks about essential tips every homeowner and buyer should know. This signals that you want to ensure everyone knows how to go about buying, maintaining, and being financially prepared for their new home.

3) Humor Posts
This ties in with what we noted above about having your own voice. The concept that a business needs to have a stern, rigid personality is rapidly changing. A social media account can be as entertaining as it can be a call to action. Posting a funny picture that relates to homes coupled with a punchline, or asking a humorous question can go a long way. If you like to be charismatic to clients in person, try incorporating that personality into your posts and have a bit of fun once in a while.

4) Share Your Blog if you Have One
These days, having a blog section on a website is highly beneficial for SEO purposes and connecting with your audience. Posts don’t need to be especially long, in fact, 300-word blog articles can get the message you want to convey if you are pressed for time.
Each time you post new content for your website, sharing it on your social media account is not only beneficial for getting traffic to your site, but it gives your audience something to engage with and receive new information. Such topics can include “things to ask your real estate agent” or “best types of couches for a large living room”. Anything relating to homes is viable.

5) Home of the Week
Showing people what they can potentially have is a great way to spark interest. While anyone can simply search for examples of beautiful homes, sharing the best of what is available in their area whether you just helped a client move into their place or a new listing popped up for a gorgeous home, will get people drooling over well-constructed and designed homes. Share one or two homes a week if there is something that you think will strike people’s eye and you can potentially get people looking to you to help them get into that home or something similar to it.

6) Local Shoutouts
Occasionally breaking up the real-estate talk by sharing facts and information on local spots can be a source of engaging content. Do you have a favorite local coffee shop? A quick, friendly shoutout such as “popping into Joe’s before meeting up with a couple looking to move into a new home!” can go a long way in sharing to people what is out there besides what homes are available. Remember, social media can be a platform for your personality and knowledge to shine.

7) Closing Victories
This ties in with the advice earlier in the article on sharing your accomplishments. If you’ve recently had a successful closing with a client, sharing how things went, a thank you to all who was involved and wishing them the best of luck is helpful in highlighting what future potential clients can expect from your services. It’s also another great way to engage with your community.

8) Video Tours
Part of being a real estate agent is walking people through homes so that they know what to expect if they decide to move in. But you don’t have to limit these tours to just clients and in-person experiences, the camera on your smartphone is an excellent tool to take your audience through appealing homes in the comfort of their own home. You can choose to talk or stay silent during the video, but a well-executed video tour can be more powerful than photos as it lets your audience experience what it is like moving about the home and gives a sense of scale.
Don’t worry about being a professional video recorder and editor. Most modern smartphones can automatically stabilize video and produce excellent image quality. It’s the message of the video that counts the most for this purpose. If there is a home that you think will be appealing, showing off the ins and outs can get people interested.

9) Product Recommendations
Recommending products that can fit into people’s home decor can add meaningful content to your social media account. It can be as simple as a toaster that you think looks nice to a luxurious, comfortable modern couch. If you yourself use these products in your one home, then that adds to the credibility of the advice. If something sparks your interest and you think others might like it in their home, don’t be afraid to share it!
We have just given you some general ideas to get started with and see if social media is something you want to work into your marketing plan.
Running a robust and consistent social media content strategy can also be time consuming. So if you are interested feel free to reach out to us and let us create a personalized content calendar each month.
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